Dr. Katherine Chen
(Assistant Professor, School of English, the University of Hong Kong)

Title: Animal Farm
Author: George Orwell

The pigs, horses, donkeys, goats, dogs, cats, cows, sheep, hens, rats and birds thought they would all have a better life, a Utopian life, after overthrowing the humans who exploited them. They dreamed of a world where everyone was treated equally, with respect and care.

Little did they know that dreams alone were not enough to stop corrupted power-seekers from treading on others while repeating the same exploitation. How do we break a cycle where "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"? It's a lesson for all living creatures alike.


書名: 《字源談趣:800個常用漢字之由來》
作者: 陳政




書名: 《打開創意的腦》
作者: 韋恩•羅特林頓


韋恩•羅特林頓是Allsorts Habit Creation 的創始人和首席執行官。為全球包括來自亞洲、澳洲、歐洲和美洲等40個國家的公司提供培訓和顧問諮詢服務。


書名: 《純粹的紅:切•格瓦拉傳》
作者: 陶竦



  Mr. John Guest
(Demonstrator, Linguistics Department, HKU)

Title: Neverwhere and American Gods
Author: Neil Gaiman


Title: The Name of the Rose
Author: Umberto Eco

Gaiman also has a new collection of short stories called Angels and Visitations out; I have just finished it and enjoyed it a lot. If you're looking for something a bit serious, Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere and American Gods are great choices.

I 'd also like to suggest Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose for those students who enjoy mystery!

  謝詠竹 Ms Tse
(English Panel of Islamic Dharwood Pau Memorial Primary School)

Title: The Little Prince
Author: Antoine de Sanit-Exupery

I admire the Little Prince because he lived lonely on a tiny planet smaller than a house. He owned three volcanoes, two active and one extinct. He also owned a flower which is unlike others. This can give him pride. This is a very good and interesting story. If you want to know more about him, you can go to the library to borrow a copy of it.

  黃志強老師 Mr Wong Chi-keung
(English Panel Head of Bethel High School)

Title: What Next? Surviving the Twenty-First Century
Author: Chris Patten
Publisher: Allen Lane

Apart from Tai Cheong's egg-tarts which he once helped promote, Mr Chris Patten serves as a life demonstration on how penetrating and engaging an English writer can be. Even not necessarily comprehending the intricate international issues being analyzed, secondary school readers of this book will definitely profit from the writer's precise choice of diction and judicious development of arguments put forth.

  Miss Ada Au
(English Panel Head of Leung Shek Chee College)

Title: Dear Socks Dear Buddy – Kids’ Letters to the First Pets
Author: Hillary Rodham Clinton
Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Dear Socks Dear Buddy is written by Hillary Clinton, the wife of ex-US president Bill Clinton and the present Secretary of State serving in the administration of President Barack Obama. She gives us a light-hearted picture of how Socks the cat and Buddy the dog participated in the White House life when she was the First Lady. There are over 80 pictures of her furry friends. What is interesting is that there are more than 50 letters written by children to the First Pets, ranging from a simple request for a “paw-tograph” to generous advice. (“Just because they went on a trip and didn’t take you doesn’t mean they don’t love you anymore.”).

If you like animals, you shouldn’t miss the photos and the guide to good pet care!  Can you guess what questions the children asked the First Pets?  Do you want to know what other ‘strange’ pets were kept in the White House before? Get the book from a public library and find out the answers!

The book contains 200 pages but you can easily breeze it through on a Saturday afternoon!”

  Jen Stables
(i-Learner Education Consultant)

Title: The Alchemist
Author: Paulo Coelho

This book follows the adventures of a shepherd boy living in Spain. It was written by Paulo Coelho to explain the difference between enjoying your life and reaching for your dreams. He gives us the idea that we all have a Personal Legend - something that we have always wanted to accomplish - and shows us that whilst the route to our legend may be difficult by following it we will learn alot about ourselves.
This book may soon be made into a movie, but I advise you to read the book before you see the film. Reading gives you time to really make sense of stories and interpret the words in your own way. Paulo Coelho's writing is thought provoking and inspirational so you will certainly need time to think!


Title: Fantastic Mr Fox
Author: Roald Dahl

Oh Boggis and Bunce and Bean,
One fat, one short, one lean...

This is the beginning of a poem from one of my all time favourite children's books - Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl. I like it so much that I even bought a copy for my friend to take away travelling with him last month, he loved it too, and he's already 30! Roald Dahl's stories appeal to people of all ages as they are imaginative and exciting, and this book is one of the best. If you read it you will follow the adventures of Mr Fox and his family as they try to keep safe from the bad farmers Boggis, Bunce and Bean. You will also meet Mr Fox's friends and see that by working together and coming up with a cunning plan they can achieve anything.

  吳衛東 Ng Wai Tung

書名: Homeless II
作者: 野宿二
出版社: 香港社區組織協會


  施麗珊 SZE Lai Shan

書名: Our Treasure 寶貝
作者: 野宿二
出版社: 香港社區組織協會



書名: 《天地一沙鷗》



書名: 《老人與海》



書名: 《唐詩三百首》

《唐詩三百首》可供隨時打開一篇細味,讓人認識, 欣賞並沈醉在中國文字的優美之中; 是必讀之書!

  Ms Emily Mak
(English Panel of Kit Sam Lam Bing Ying Secondary School)

Title: The Last Lecture
Author: Randy Pausch

The first time I saw this book was at the airport in Osaka, Japan. I was killing time before boarding the plane back to Hong Kong. I read a few pages and was impressed by the title – The Last Lecture – the last one given by a professor in university. I was probably more interested in him, Randy Pausch, – someone who was given the diagnosis that he would perish in a couple of months. How would he live the rest of his life?

I’ve noticed I “like” reading such books which are written by those who would want to tell us their story before they die. Perhaps, this is their true self that they would want people to learn from their story. This one is different from “Chasing Daylight” which was about how to say goodbye to people you love. The Last Lecture is about living, not dying. This is what I like. I want to live my life to the fullest and without regrets.

  Mr. John Guest
(Demonstrator of Linguistics Department, HKU)

Title: The Vicar of Nibbleswicke
Author: Roald Dahl


Title: The Penguin Book of 20th-Century Speechese
Author: Brian MacArthur

I remember as a young person someone told me this short book was worth a read - it’s called "The Vicar of Nibbleswicke" by Roald Dahl.  It’s rather light reading but very funny and also light-hearted, and makes a change from the more serious reading that others recommend - hope you can take a look...it made me laugh.  I would recommend this to a primary school student.

Also, a more recent book I would recommend to the secondary school students is "The Penguin Book of 20th-Century Speeches" by Brian MacArthur - a book that for me I found more interesting reading the last speech first, then the second from last - so effectively reading it from back to front.

  Sarah Atkinson
(i-Learner Education Consultant)

Title: The Secret Garden
Author: Frances Hodgson Burnett

This book is an English classic.  English school children have been reading it for almost 100 years, and so it is a great book for anybody with an interest in British culture.  It tells the story of a girl who is sent to live with her cold uncle in the lonely moors in the north of England after her parents die.  She is a spoilt girl who is used to getting her own way but after discovering a secret garden, she blossoms alongside the garden as winter turns into spring and as she discovers her uncle's other secrets.  The transformation of the main character and the beautiful language Frances Hodgson Burnett uses in her descriptions of the English countryside make this a spellbinding novel.  It is also a very rewarding read as the English is more old-fashioned and difficult than in modern novels, so it will test and improve your English as you read more of the book.  


Title: Twilight
Author: Stephanie Meyer

You will probably have heard of the blockbuster Hollywood film based on this book, but you should try reading the book itself.  This book is easy to read and very exciting.  The relationship between a teenage girl, Bella, and an immortal vampire, and the danger that is created by their relationship, will make your heart race with excitement right up to the last page.  The book has been so successful because although the fantasy world draws you in and adds a layer of interest, at the heart of the book is a simple love story that anyone can relate to, whether they have met a vampire or not!

  薛力愷 Sit Lik Hoi

書名: 真正的快樂〈人間淨土系列〉
作者: 聖嚴法師
出版社: 法鼓文化


書名: 覺情書:聖嚴法師談世間情〈人間淨土系列〉
作者: 聖嚴法師


書名: 放下的幸福 The Happiness of Letting Go
作者: 聖嚴法師
出版社: 法鼓文化

(保育人士, 表演藝術創作人,2007年曾同前政務司司長陳方安生、前保安局長葉劉淑儀等競逐立法會港島區議席,亦於同年參選過區議會觀塘區選舉)

書名: 《羅浮館藝術館》/《羅浮宮探險筆記》
作者: 林朱綺


書名: 《三毛流浪記》


書名: 《兒童生物科技》》


書名: 《健力士世界紀錄大全》
作者: 林朱綺


Title: History of the World


Title: The Horrible Science Collection
